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Here's a collection of photos.

Some pictures of the way we used to be, and for some of us the way they still are!

Coach ELL27

Harry Dickenson X Crosville Warrington Conductor & Driver

Tommy Cross Now driving at Arriva Runcorn Depot

James Doran X Crosville Warrington Driver

Andy Mernor. Ex Runcorn Depot now with Arriva

Bob Haughton was the last Depot Supervisor at Arriva Warrington when it closed in 2002, then I moved to Arriva Runcorn depot till 30th April 2006 Now Retired.

Above Keith Langford Below Barry Holland

Leyland National Battery powered bus at Runcorn Depot.

Bill French,

Bob Hind ADM Cheshire early 70's Now Arriva North West MD Now Retired.

The Crosville Pools Winners! Bill French, Mike Allman, Barry Stonehouse, Mike Withers, Denis Beckett, Jimmy Byrne, Bob Haughton, Dave England, Bob Bryant, Phil Dixon, Dave Rawsthorne.

Bristol VR DVG285 Free Finefare Service

The Lepping Lynx.

Out Route Leaning

SRL's going for sale

Above is (left) Graham Ratcliffe and (2nd from right) Dennis Mine taking part in Safe Driving Competition 1976. Dennis won it, well done.

Terry Burgess and his son Neil Burgess, Terry has now passed away Neil is with Arriva

Martin Robinson Ex Crosville Northwich.

1 of Crosville's longest serving employees Tommy Cross Warrington and Runcorn Now Passed away.

Crosville Recovery Vehicle 429UFM

Crosville a National Bus Company.

A Setright Bus Ticket very common in the 1970's

Above is an old 6d Crosville ticket pre Setright days.

These things happened!

Above is Fred Lease at an inter depot darts presentation.

Mick Gashe Was Customer Care Runcorn Depot and keen walker! Now Deceased and sadly missed.

Above Mike Knowles Conductor & Driver Crosville Warrington. Below Paul Howard (Fitter Warrington Depot) in CRG29. I remember when he was that good looking!

Above is a well remembered Crosville line up!

Bristol RE SRL244 SJA379J (This Bus would do over 100 mph)

CMG 492 July 1972 in Warrington Depot Chester Rd

EMG 423 on Service Walton Stag 13A Picking up outside Warrington Depot July 1972

Crosville Warrington Mini-Lynx in the old bus station 1988.

CROSVILLE was one big happy family, you never miss what you have till it's gone!