PHOTO PAGE 2......................................................

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Page 2 of a collection of photos.

Crosville Canteen Warrington Arpley Bus Station (Owned and run by the Crosville staff)

Mr Ray Barber Arriva Supervisor Runcorn. Ray started with Crosville in the late sixties at the old Runcorn Depot, he knows the bus industry inside out. He's still at Runcorm with Arriva making sure the buses run each day. Ray has now retired and enjoying every second, good luck Ray.

Crosville Warrington Depot on Chester Road (Home from Home)

Driver Phil Dixon Spending his BEST pension in New York.

Phil is now living over in Barnsley

Double Decker and a short National in Warrington Depot at Chster Road.

Below is a photo of Bob Haughton on Arpley Bus Station 1977.

Below is SRL243 stopping at Bridge Foot Warrington the driver is Frank Jones date 1978. The photo was taken from the roof of what was the ABC cinema.

If you have any photos you would like to put on this site please e-mail them to me!